Faculty Retreat Talks
From 2013 to 2019, representatives from our partner schools gathered for an annual faculty retreat to think together about the big issues facing our schools and God’s people and world in these times.
We were deeply honored to receive two full-length lectures on economic wisdom from Dallas Willard at our first retreat, which remain a touchstone for our community, as well as outstanding reflections from a variety of leaders at our retreats.
Katherine Leary Alsdorf, The Church and Entrepreneurship
Chris Brooks, The Church and Economic Renewal
Kevin Mannoia, New Tricks for Old Dogs
Bob Cooley, Cultural Context and Change (slides), and Governance Processes and Change (slides)
P.J. Hill, Loving Strangers through Work and Exchange (slides)
David Miller, God Bless Us Every One: The Past, Present and Future of the Faith and Work Movement
Amy Sherman, In and For Community: Helpful Models in Theological Schools (slides) and Helpful Models in Local Churches (slides)
Paul Williams, Theological Education: From Scholastic and Clerical to Ecclesial and Missional (slides)
Daniel Aleshire, What Is the Future of Evangelical Theological Education? (handout)
Greg Jones, Traditioned Innovation and the Back to Egypt Committee
Brian Fikkert, The Church and Economics (slides)
Miroslav Volf, The Crisis of Theology