Theology that Works
Preparing future leaders as disciples who disciple others for a whole life’s work in God’s kingdom and God’s world
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Endless Innovation, or Missional Integrity?
Note: From The Church after Innovation (Baker 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. I’d never used the phrase before. It seemed like an idiom covered in the dust of the 1940s. It was an expression that might have found its way...

Virtue Ethics Triumphs, Virtuously
This week, Faith & Flourishing published its latest Essay: "An Emerging Consensus on Virtue Ethics in Christian Living and Sanctification," by Klaus Issler. Drawing on a long career of experience crossing the boundary between ethics and biblical scholarship,...

Responsible to Serve the Poor Well
The Economic Wisdom Project is best known for our Economic Wisdom Project Talks, which are short, accessible, engaging and rich presentations suitable for use in classrooms and group discussions. But the EWP also features print resources, including our vision paper...

Member Spotlight: Getting the Lead Out
Note: Our Member Spotlight series continues with Denise Daniels. A transcript of the interview appears below. Daniels will be part of Karam Forum 2022 on Nov. 17-18 in Denver; get your tickets today! If you are a Karam Fellowship member and would like to be in the...

Karam Forum 2022: “Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m Not Gonna Kid You”
Join us at Karam Forum 2022 this November 17-18! Helen Young Hayes will share her revolutionary experience leaving the heights of Wall Street to start a business in Denver that hires former convicts and others on the margins who need a path into the workforce. Take...

The Good Samaritan as Community Model
Note: From The Good Samaritan (Baker 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. Many contemporary Christians privilege an interpretation of the Luke 10 passage that equates the good Samaritan with Jesus. Sitting in a Barnes &...

All Vocations Are Equal, and Some Are More Equal
Our peer-reviewed journal, Faith & Flourishing, is pleased to publish its second-ever scholarly article. In it, Michael Wittmer boldly seizes the third rail of his own preferred theological school of Neo-Calvinism. To wit, he proposes that while there is one sense...

Justice Requires Us to Expand Opportunity
The Economic Wisdom Project is best known for our Economic Wisdom Project Talks, which are short, accessible, engaging and rich presentations suitable for use in classrooms and group discussions. But the EWP also features print resources, including our vision paper...

Speaking for a Lord Who Sometimes Roars
Note: From The Lord Roars (Baker 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. There are several parameters that define this study. Perhaps it is best to begin by making clear what this volume is not. I refer to its scope. I make no...

Member Spotlight: Mentoring for Joy
Note: Our Member Spotlight series continues with Fernando Tamara. A transcript of the interview appears below. Fernando will be part of Karam Forum 2022 on Nov. 17-18 in Denver; get your tickets today! If you are a Karam Fellowship member and would like to be in the...