The ON stewards a variety of video, online and print resources to help theological educators and churches cultivate insight and develop disciples.
Economic Wisdom Project
Our most important library of resources is the Economic Wisdom Project, including:
- Economic Wisdom Project Talks: EWP Talks are short, accessible, engaging and rich presentations by leading theological educators, suitable for classroom and local church use. These videos help people develop a Christian vision for flourishing communities. Each EWP Talk is about 15-20 minutes long, so they’re easy to use, but the conversations they’ll catalyze in your classroom, church or group will be much longer. Speakers include Andy Crouch, Darrell Bock, Anthony Bradley, Fred Sanders, Rachael and Jacob Denhollander, Joshua Jipp and Vincent Bacote. Check out our video library, by topic or alphabetically, and consider assigning one of these short videos your students, or sharing a video with your group!
- Vision Paper: Our vision paper “A Christian Vision for Flourishing Communities” lays out how we see the challenge of renewing theologically formed Christian wisdom for the common good and human flourishing in the advanced modern world. En Español : “Una Visión Christiana para las Comunidades Florecientes“
- Twelve Elements: Our vision of economic wisdom is summarized in twelve “elements” that provide starting points for thoughtful, biblically informed understanding of contemporary opportunities and challenges. Read more here.
- Book: Economic Wisdom for Churches is a small volume that packs a big punch, with essays for local church leaders on critical issues facing their churches by Amy Sherman, Scott Rae, Tom Nelson, Charlie Self, Zachary Ritvalsky, James Thobaben, Jay Slocum, Jordan Ballor, Greg Forster and more. The essays are short and accessible enough to read through quickly, but offer the depth and insight to reframe the challenges churches are facing in their communities, overcome the paralysis of our polarized society, and bring the holy love of God out into our world. The eBook is available for purchase from Amazon. If you’re interested in a hard copy, contact us.
Check out our EWP website for all these resources!
Karam Forum Presentations
From 2017 to 2022, our annual Karam Forum event featured full-length formal addresses on the biggest issues facing theological education, from Kevin Vanhoozer, Miroslav Volf, Richard Mouw, Amy Sherman, Greg Jones, Mark Greene and more.
We also had fascinating joint presentations, panel discussions and “mini-talks” from Mark Labberton, Darrell Bock, Rachael and Jacob Denhollander, David Miller, and more. One panel discussion on theology and economics included four pastors, three seminary professors and two economists, sitting on only six chairs.
And of course most of our signature Economic Wisdom Project Talks were delivered at meetings of Karam Forum!
Check out our complete collection of videos from Karam Forum events.
Faculty Retreat Talks
From 2013 to 2019, representatives from our partner schools gathered for an annual faculty retreat to think together about the big issues facing our schools and God’s people and world in these times.
We were deeply honored to receive two full-length lectures on economic wisdom from Dallas Willard at our first retreat, which remain a touchstone for our community.
In subsequent years we heard insightful reflections from leaders including Miroslav Volf, Amy Sherman, Chris Brooks, David Miller, Paul Williams, Brian Fikkert and Greg Jones.
Check out our collection of faculty retreat talks.
Monthly Newsletter
Since 2013, we have published a monthly newsletter that includes updates on what our partner schools are up to, articles on important issues, book excerpts, network news and much more.
Check out our newsletter page to browse or search our archives, and to subscribe so you don’t miss future editions!
Curricular Integration Pages
On these pages, you’ll find editor’s picks from our archives in disciplines across the curriculum, from systematic theology, biblical studies and history to missiology, spiritual formation and homiletics. If you’re looking for models, tools, tips and topics that will help you integrate whole-life discipleship into your classroom, check out these pages.
YouTube Channel
All our video resources can be found on our YouTube channel, including EWP Talks, Karam Forum presentations, video updates from our partner schools, and much more.