Bill Peel, founding executive director, Center for Faith & Work, LeTourneau University

What will it take for every Christian in the workplace to become a whole-life disciple?

What can we do to help lawyers, plumbers, teachers, engineers, entrepreneurs – people in every profession – see their work as a holy calling and their workplace as their mission field?

How can God use us to replace distorted marketplace values that are driving the decline of western civilization with kingdom values that foster human flourishing?

These questions will frame the 2016 Faith@Work Summit in Dallas (October 27-29) as 400 leaders from diverse business sectors, seminaries, universities, churches and workplace ministries gather to learn from each other and identify find collaborative solutions to extend Christ’s transforming influence in every workplace in every nation.

The Oikonomia Network’s Greg Forster labeled the inaugural 2014 Faith@Work Summit as “the most important gathering to date in the faith and work movement.” At the 2014 Faith@Work Summit, seven of the plenary speakers were affiliated with the Oikonomia Network or its partner schools. Paul Williams’ presentation on theological education at the 2014 Summit led to presentations at both the 2015 and 2016 Oikonomia Network retreats. The Summit leadership team is deeply grateful to Oikonomia Network for helping to make these defining events possible.

Fueled by the Holy Spirit, today’s faith and work movement has made great strides toward spreading a biblical view of work and calling worldwide. Yet amidst encouraging progress, today’s workers are in dire need of mentors and materials to show them what it means to follow Christ in their specific work. Also, whole segments of society remain largely untouched by the truth that they can serve Christ in their daily work.

Such concerns have been central to the mission and work Oikonomia Network since its inception. The wisdom and experience of every member of the ON community is vital as we address these important issues at the 2016 Faith@Work Summit.

Learn more and register at the 2016 Summit website.

View 2014 Summit talks: