Sample Assignments Across the Curriculum

Sample Assignments Across the Curriculum

Here are more sample assignments to help inspire fresh thinking about how to incorporate a concern for vocation, flourishing and economic justice across the curriculum. Biblical Studies or Theology Ask students to watch an episode of the Jesus and Your Job series by...
Sample Assignments Across the Curriculum

Sample Assignments across the Curriculum

Here are more sample assignments to help inspire fresh thinking about how to incorporate a concern for vocation, flourishing and economic justice across the curriculum. Theology/Doctrine Have students take a statement from either the Nicene or Apostles’ Creed and link...
Sample Assignments Across the Curriculum

Teaching Old Testament and New Testament – Women at Work

Stories from, about and for women at work have not often been told as prominently as those of men in Christian contexts and discussions about work and economic life. Where to Start? One important starting point for Christians must be to take a fresh look at what the...