Teaching Historical Theology: Perspectives on Calling

Teaching Historical Theology: Perspectives on Calling

Calling language has been pervasive in theology since at least Martin Luther. Sometimes we speak as if God only calls people away from ordinary secular work into church mission or ordained ministry. But does God also call some people to stay, and serve God in their...
Sample Assignments Across the Curriculum

Sample Assignments Across the Curriculum

Here are more sample assignments to help inspire fresh thinking about how to incorporate a concern for vocation, flourishing and economic justice across the curriculum. As in my last article – which covered biblical studies, theology, preaching and liturgy – several...

Teaching History: Development of the Doctrine of Vocation

Studying the history of biblical interpretation is an important part of studying the history of Christian thought. A recent experience opened my eyes to how the doctrine of vocation has developed in the church. Classes on church history or historical theology can...
Curricular Touchpoints

Curricular Touchpoints

As we do each year, the Oikonomia Network held a curricular integration workshop at the 2015 Acton University conference. One hundred theological educators divided into tables by discipline and discussed ideas for including work and the economy in every area of the...