Theology that Works

Preparing future leaders as disciples who disciple others for a whole life’s work in God’s kingdom and God’s world

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Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunity

Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunity

The vision of the Economic Wisdom Project is summarized in twelve “elements” that provide starting points for thoughtful, biblically informed understanding of contemporary opportunities and challenges. For a handy guide to the twelve...

The Black Family: The Hope of “True Religion”

The Black Family: The Hope of “True Religion”

Note: Excerpt from Why Black Lives Matter (ed. Anthony Bradley, Wipf & Stock 2020). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. Bruce Fields, a beloved member of our community, went to be with the church triumphant last year. The way of...

When Rich People Pray for Bread

When Rich People Pray for Bread

Pictured: Caricature of Kuyper's opening speech at the 1891 Social Congress. Note: Excerpt from “Commentary on Lord’s Day 50 of the Heidelberg Catechism,” in On Business and Economics (Lexham 2021), part of the 12-volume Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public...

Religious Freedom for All: Three Biblical Grounds

Religious Freedom for All: Three Biblical Grounds

Note: Excerpt from Liberty for All (Baker 2021). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. Recent Christian scholarship, in both quantity and quality, has failed to provide a robust account that makes religious liberty intelligibly...