Theology that Works
Preparing future leaders as disciples who disciple others for a whole life’s work in God’s kingdom and God’s world
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So Help Us God: Karam Fellowship Faith & Mission
The flourishing of God’s world is central to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and vice versa. It’s time we had doctrinal statements that made this connection clear – and showed that this connection is not in tension with, but actually supports and is supported by, more...
Economics in the Bible: A Very Short Summary
The Economic Wisdom Project is best known for our Economic Wisdom Project Talks, which are short, accessible, engaging and rich presentations suitable for use in classrooms and group discussions. But the EWP also features print resources, including our vision paper...
Making Christ Known in the Modern World
Note: From Christian History in Seven Sentences (IVP 2021). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. The church is confronted today, as in no preceding generation, with a literally worldwide opportunity to make Christ known. John Mott,...
Only Human: Embracing Our Finitude
Note: From You’re Only Human (Brazos 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. A few years ago I had a podcast interview with a woman who had read my book A Little Book for New Theologians and wanted to talk about it. Part of what...
New EWP Talk: Dislocation and Discovery in the Industrial Revolution and the Wesleyan Movement
Careful – sometimes history is too hot to handle! Today we’re rolling out what may be the most provocative video in our not-exactly-bland-to-start-with library of Economic Wisdom Project Talks. We’re also releasing video of the Karam Forum 2021 presentation on the...
Webinar: How Wesley Understood and Fought Systemic Injustice
John Wesley built his movement in the midst of one of the most massive economic and social changes in history – the Industrial Revolution. Wesley’s ability to affirm what was good and challenge what was bad in this dynamic upheaval was critical to the vitality and...
Church/City Partnerships Restore Dignity with Work
Reprinted from the Chalmers Center. Shantel had come to a very difficult point in her life, living in her car with her four-year-old child. Through the Hampton (Virginia) Department of Human Services, she found a jobs preparedness class and decided to take a shot at a...
A Better Story for Our Economies
The Economic Wisdom Project is best known for our Economic Wisdom Project Talks, which are short, accessible, engaging and rich presentations suitable for use in classrooms and group discussions. But the EWP also features print resources, including our vision paper...
Biblicism, Seminaries and the Next Evangelicalism
Note: Excerpt from The Hope of the Gospel (Eerdmans 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. Perhaps more so than any other major Christian group, we evangelicals are known for our commitment to studying the Bible. Evangelical...
Our Politics Is a Reflection of Our Souls
“In what ways is our politics a reflection of our souls?” Chris Brooks asked Michael Wear in a January 18 webinar on Reviving Reconciliation. “Oh, goodness!” responded Wear. “I think this is the question of our time.” Navigating politics is no longer optional for...