Theology that Works
Preparing future leaders as disciples who disciple others for a whole life’s work in God’s kingdom and God’s world
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Micah! Quit Hassling Us about Economic Injustice!
Note: From The Lost Letters to the Twelve Prophets (Zondervan 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. What led the prophets to talk about the things that they do talk about? What were they responding to? If only we knew what the...

Member Spotlight: Getting Ready for Life in the World
Note: Our Member Spotlight series continues with Gerry Breshears, a longtime leader in our community. A transcript of the interview appears below. If you are a Karam Fellowship member and would like to be in the spotlight, drop us a line!...

Karam Forum 2022: The Holy Spirit Empowers Schools to Thrive in a Changing World
Join us at Karam Forum 2022 this November 17-18! Amos Yong will give our keynote address, on how theological schools can rely on the Holy Spirit to build new modes and models in our digitalizing, globalizing, pluralizing cultural environments. Denise Daniels, Michaela...

Our Flourishing Must Be Ordinary Because God’s Work Is Extraordinary
Note: From Common Callings and Ordinary Virtues (Baker 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. The ordinary can be understood only in comparison to the extraordinary. The extraordinary consists of those rare, at times...

Why Should Scholars Study Flourishing?
“Conversations” are an innovative feature in our new scholarly journal, Faith & Flourishing. The goal of F&F is not simply to make a series of discrete, isolated contributions to scholarship. Important as traditional peer-reviewed articles are, we also...

In Modern Markets, “All Things Are Lawful, But…”
The Economic Wisdom Project is best known for our Economic Wisdom Project Talks, which are short, accessible, engaging and rich presentations suitable for use in classrooms and group discussions. But the EWP also features print resources, including our vision paper...

The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience
Note: This is Russell Moore’s introduction to a brand-new edition of Carl Henry’s classic The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism (Crossway 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. Perhaps what the world needs now is an old...

Member Spotlight: New Forms of Collaboration
Note: This month we premiere our Member Spotlight series by interviewing Ken Barnes, a longtime leader in our community. A transcript of the interview appears below. If you are a Karam Fellowship member and would like to be in the spotlight, drop us a line!...

Karam Forum 2022: Thriving in a Changing World
Join us at Karam Forum 2022 this November 17-18! Amos Yong, Denise Daniels, Michaela O'Donnell, Helen Young Hayes, Fernando Tamara and more will lead our collaboration, with a focus on Thriving in a Changing World. Gather with us LIVE in Denver, OR join by Zoom from...

What Comes after “When Helping Hurts”? Strategies for Economic Flourishing
Note: Adapted from Agents of Flourishing (IVP 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. With the publication of Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett’s book, When Helping Hurts, congregational leaders have made important strides in...