Theology that Works

Preparing future leaders as disciples who disciple others for a whole life’s work in God’s kingdom and God’s world

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Why Should Scholars Study Flourishing?

Why Should Scholars Study Flourishing?

“Conversations” are an innovative feature in our new scholarly journal, Faith & Flourishing. The goal of F&F is not simply to make a series of discrete, isolated contributions to scholarship. Important as traditional peer-reviewed articles are, we also...

Karam Forum 2022: The Holy Spirit Empowers Schools to Thrive in a Changing World

Karam Forum 2022: Thriving in a Changing World

Join us at Karam Forum 2022 this November 17-18! Amos Yong, Denise Daniels, Michaela O'Donnell, Helen Young Hayes, Fernando Tamara and more will lead our collaboration, with a focus on Thriving in a Changing World. Gather with us LIVE in Denver, OR join by Zoom from...