Theology that Works
Preparing future leaders as disciples who disciple others for a whole life’s work in God’s kingdom and God’s world
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“They’re Moving Jesus to Memphis!”
Our peer-reviewed journal, Faith & Flourishing, is pleased to publish its latest scholarly article. It examines how a theology of place shaped business at one of the most important Christian-led firms of the last century. The article surveys how ServiceMaster used...

EWP Talks on OT: God’s Firm Foundation
Our collection of EWP Talks on Old Testament will help your students explore how this often-challenging material – the large majority of our Bibles! – provides vital insight for how we live our lives today. As we strive for economic wisdom, we need to know, and know...

Discipleship Assessment: All of Daily Life as Worship
Note: From Life in 5D (5D Press, 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. “PC [Pastor Charlie], My team and I are just as much ministers as you and the church staff. People come to us needing help, and we send them on their way...

Member Spotlight: Concentrated Gratitude
Note: Our Member Spotlight series continues with Philip Thompson. A transcript of the interview appears below. If you are a Karam Fellowship member and would like to be in the spotlight, drop us a line! https://youtu.be/AB1sDysNuxU Greg Hello everybody. I’m Greg...

Yong at Karam Forum: Thriving Theological Education in a Networked World
In the keynote address of Karam Forum 2023, Amos Yong of Fuller Theological Seminary spoke about the challenging moment we and our schools are facing, in an increasingly globalized, pluralized and networked world. Building on his recent book Renewing the Church by the...

Two Compelling Visions: Marxism, or a New Reformation
Note: From Our Secular Vocation (B&H 2023). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. Three generations ago a thoughtful Christian writer described human labor as one of the “lost provinces” of Christian faith. The result of the...

F&F Volume 1 (2022) Digital Release
Here's a story we've been looking forward to publishing for quite some time! We have officially released the digital edition of Faith & Flourishing Volume 1, our 2022 issue. As you will see, there's some interesting stuff in the issue that we have not...

EWP Talks on Theology: Knowledge that Gives Life
Our collection of EWP Talks on Theology will help your students draw more extensively on the theological knowledge tradition to help people wrestle with today’s opportunities and difficulties. At the core of our work in the Oikonomia Network is drawing connections...

“Out of the House of Bondage”: Exodus and Us
Note: From The Home of God (Brazos Press 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. Exodus is the paradigmatic story of Israel’s deliverance. Its echoes are pervasive in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, especially in the Gospel of...

Member Spotlight: The Three-Legged Race
Note: Our Member Spotlight series continues with David Buschart. A transcript of the interview appears below. If you are a Karam Fellowship member and would like to be in the spotlight, drop us a line! https://youtu.be/__x9Xa9ipdo Greg Hello, everyone. Once again, we...