Theology that Works
Preparing future leaders as disciples who disciple others for a whole life’s work in God’s kingdom and God’s world
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Family and Theological Education in NYC
Note: From On Becoming Wise Together (Eerdmans 2023). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. Formal theological education was only possible with extended family supporting our part-time studies as babysitters, conversation partners and...

Member Spotlight: Present Together, Online
Note: Our Member Spotlight series continues with Randy Walls. A transcript of the interview appears below. If you are a Karam Fellowship member and would like to be in the spotlight, drop us a line! https://youtu.be/gRv-k60vLnc Greg Hello again everybody. I’m Greg...

Our Faculty Retreat Is Back! Join Us at Asbury Theological Seminary on January 3-5
Boy do we have an announcement to make this month! Those of you who have been in our community long enough will remember that for some time, we held an annual faculty retreat - always located in a warm place and held in the first week of January - designed to give you...

The Invention of Improvement and the Price of Progress
Note: From The Evangelical Imagination (Baker 2023). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. “New and Improved!” You can’t walk down the aisle of the grocery store without the words “new and improved!” jumping out at you from one...

Transformative Business Education: Is It Possible?
Faith & Flourishing has published its latest Essay: "Is It Even Possible for Business Schools to Train People to Transform Business?" by Kenman Wong. Written by one of the most prominent and respected voices in Christian business education, and originally...

The Arts: Abundance in a Reductionist World
Note: From Abundantly More: The Theological Promise of the Arts in a Reductionist World (Baker 2023). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. Image: Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Wild Mood Swings, 2009-10. Two wooden stepladders, discarded...

To Find Divine Comfort, Learn to Lament
Note: From The Upside-Down Kingdom (Crossway 2023). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4 Consider Giovanna, a resident of Castelvetrano in 1902. She sits on her...

Member Spotlight: Digital Transformative Learning
Note: Our Member Spotlight series continues with Dave Benson. A transcript of the interview appears below. If you are a Karam Fellowship member and would like to be in the spotlight, drop us a line! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBV4iIzW1HU Greg Hello, everybody....

A Vision of Human Flourishing in Christ
Note: From Pauline Theology as a Way of Life (Baker 2023). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. The quest for living the “good life” or pursuing “happiness” is nothing new. But a spate of recent literature, TED talks, and professional...

Recovering an Indispensable Protestant Doctrine: Salvation Requires Good Works
Note: From The Doctrine of Good Works: Reclaiming a Neglected Protestant Teaching (Baker 2023). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. To say that Christianity has a crisis of credibility is an understatement. Some skeptics raise...