Theology that Works
Preparing future leaders as disciples who disciple others for a whole life’s work in God’s kingdom and God’s world
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Refresh and Reconnect: Faculty Retreat Hotel Room Block Closing Soon!
Our $75 group discount rate on hotel rooms at the Asbury Inn for our faculty retreat expires on December 3, so make your reservation today! Refresh and reconnect at the 2024 Karam Fellowship Faculty Retreat on January 3-5, 2024! We’ll be gathering at Asbury...

The Holy Spirit Is Deflective, Reflexive and Connective
Note: From The Holy Spirit: An Introduction (Crossway 2023). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. Normally when we grow in our knowledge of people, we say that while we knew them already, now we know them better. But in the case of...

Baxter’s Misogyny and Clerical Marriage
Our peer-reviewed journal, Faith & Flourishing, is pleased to publish its latest scholarly article: “Richard Baxter’s Misogyny and the Protestant Dilemma of Clerical Marriage" by Seth D. Osborne, which is being published in Faith & Flourishing Volume 2 (2023)....

Classic EWP Talks: Planned, Called and Sent
How can we really, effectively, place the gospel within the larger context of who God is and his plan for all things? God’s unfolding mission of redemption in history is grounded in his eternal plan, which in turn is grounded in his own triune nature – three persons...

Defending Democracy from Its Christian Enemies
Note: From Defending Democracy from Its Christian Enemies (Eerdmans 2023). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. This book does not intend to say everything that could be said about the relationship between Christianity and democracy,...

Member Spotlight: A Transformative Confession
Note: Our Member Spotlight series continues with David Chase. A transcript of the interview appears below. If you are a Karam Fellowship member and would like to be in the spotlight, drop us a line! https://youtu.be/KTuh0Pq0oWM Greg Welcome everybody. I'm Greg Forster...

Refresh and Reconnect at Our 2024 Faculty Retreat!
Refresh and reconnect at the 2024 Karam Fellowship Faculty Retreat! We’ll be gathering at Asbury Theological Seminary in gorgeous Wilmore, Ky., and also spending time at the nearby Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill. Get away and rest from the tyranny of the urgent,...

On the Use and Abuse of the Bible in American Politics
Note: From The Ballot and the Bible (Baker 2023). Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Citations have been omitted. In “A Model of Christian Charity,” John Winthrop appropriates the language Jesus used to describe the new covenant. He never explicitly claims...

Christian Business Schools and Capitalism
One claim made in Kenman Wong’s essay on the profound missional challenges facing Christian business schools (reprinted last month in Faith & Flourishing) seemed so provocative and important that we reached out to a variety of scholars for their thoughts. Here is...

Classic EWP Talks: Jesus as an Economic Teacher
Jesus is, among so much else, an economic teacher. How can we receive his instruction today as authoritative for our economic thought and practice? Several of our most popular Economic Wisdom Project Talks explore the possibilities: Joshua Jipp of Trinity Evangelical...