As a biblical figure once said: “At last!”

After two years of work to launch our new journal, the first hard-copy issue of Faith & Flourishing is ready to release. The provocative, insightful and stimulating articles we’ve published so far this year await you within – along with some surprises you haven’t seen yet!

(Have you ever wondered what Christians might do at the Sundance Film Festival, or where the word “vignette” comes from?)

If you want to be sure of getting your hands on a copy, join Karam Fellowship by November 17 – see details below on how the subscription benefit will work.

Believe it or not, in our all-digital world, we have done the impossible – we have arranged for you to actually hold a physical copy of F&F in your physical hands. You don’t log into Zoom to read it; you grasp the right-hand edge of the front cover with your fingers and pull it leftward, while holding the rest of the copy firmly with your other hand. It opens up, and voila, the text is readable!

No batteries, no WiFi, no password.

How did we work this magic? Through the free exchange of work! We hired some of our fellow laborers here in the Lord’s vineyard to take a bunch of cellulose derived from tree pulp and press it into flat sheets, dry them, cut them into rectangles, press ink onto them, dry them again, then fold them in half and bind them in packets called “issues.”

It’s amazing what God accomplishes through the vast web of interdependence we call “the economy.”

And we’ve got your copy at Karam Forum 2022! Register today to join us in Denver on November 17-18.

Subscriptions to F&F are a benefit of full membership in Karam Fellowship.

If you’re a full member and you join us live in Denver for the Forum, you’ll get your copy then. You can enjoy the magic of reading a physical text right there in Park Church with us!

If you’re a full member of the Fellowship and you can’t be with us in Denver, don’t fear! We will hire some more of our fellow laborers – the ones we call “mail carriers” – to transport your copy from the Fellowship’s glittering world headquarters building (a.k.a. Greg’s living room) all the way to your door, wherever you live.

If you’re not a full member yet, but you do plan to be with us in Denver, we’ll have some extra copies of F&F with us that we’ll be happy to share as long as supplies last. It’s our thank-you for being with us at the Forum. Consider joining the Fellowship – especially since you’ll get a discount on tickets to the Forum as another benefit of membership!

And if you’re not a full member of the Fellowship, and you want to be sure you get F&F, what are you waiting for? Find out more and join today!