In these crazy days in theological education, with so many of us stuck in a state of vocational exhaustion, how can we seek the Lord to get ourselves reset and re-equipped to go the distance? Join us at Karam Forum 2022 this November 17-18!
Michaela O’Donnell and Meryl Herr will lead us through a vocational formation workshop developed by the De Pree Center to harness the power of imagination and hope. Their workshop was designed to help those with the toughest vocational challenges, so by offering it to theological educators, we are really stress testing it! Denise Daniels, Helen Young Hayes, Fernando Tamara and more will also lead our Karam Forum collaborations, with a focus on Thriving in a Changing World.
We’re looking forward to gathering with you to reaffirm, reimagine and refresh our vocations as theological educators – collaborating to seek new life for ourselves, our students, our schools and our communities.

Gather with us LIVE in Denver, OR join by Zoom from wherever you are! You don’t need to decide ahead of time which way you’ll participate. Reserve your ticket today, and decide later whether you’ll join us in person at Park Church or via Zoom.
Check out our event website for details, including the schedule and FAQs.
We’ll start at 7:00pm on Thursday, Nov. 17, and finish up with lunch on Friday, Nov. 18. So if you’re attending either ETS or AAR/SBL, Karam Forum is a super-easy addition to your trip.
Members of Karam Fellowship get discount admission to Karam Forum. Find out more and join the Fellowship to enjoy great benefits, like a subscription to our peer-reviewed journal Faith & Flourishing, and support our work as we help you build the future of theological education.
Save 10% if you sign up for an annual membership!

We asked Michaela and Meryl to send us a preview of the vocational formation workshop they’re going to lead us all through at Karam Forum 2022. They sent us an outline document going over the steps.
The first line in the outline is: “Weariness among educators and administrators.”
They know us too well!
The workshop has been developed by the De Pree Center as an opportunity to recenter ourselves on God himself as the real center of our calling – not the tornado of urgent tasks that presents itself to us as the center of our calling. In world where more and more people are dealing with disillusionment and burnout, with a sense of being overwhelmed or of directionlessness, that’s harder to do than ever.
In the workshop, we’ll name the stressors that threaten to overwhelm us, then look at research on how people are thriving – or not – in the new environments we all face. Then we’ll turn to scripture and see how hope in the Lord’s work in our lives provides an ever-new orienting framework, and how a biblically renewed imagination empowers us to envision different ways to carry our calling forward.
We are looking forward to a time of renewal and of fresh vision for our vocation!
We also have plenty more in store, including:
Amos Yong will give our keynote address, on how our schools can find new opportunities amid the challenges of digitalization, globalization and pluralization by relying on the Holy Spirit. Discussion will follow with Fernando Tamara, Philip Thompson and more.
Denise Daniels of Wheaton College will help us explore what’s emerging in the world of Christian entrepreneurship, as God’s people find new ways of bringing life to the world. This will include an exciting conversation with Denver entrepreneur Helen Young Hayes, former powerhouse executive at global investment fund Janus and now founder of ActivateWork, which helps marginalized workers succeed. (See Faith & Co.’s gripping profile of Hayes and ActivateWork, “Second Chances.”)
Kara Martin of Alphacrucis College continues to lead our annual Global Session, in which colleagues from around the world join us via Zoom. We always discover rich insights by hearing about what the Holy Spirit is doing among our global peers in theological education. This year we’ll feature colleagues from Africa and South America.
And Jeff Hoffmeyer of the Denver Institute for Faith and Work will introduce us to local ministries embodying the mission of God in Denver. Wherever Karam Forum goes, we’re always honored to yield the stage to the people who are building the future of Christian community and mission on the ground in those places.
Register today to join us LIVE in Denver, OR by Zoom from wherever you are!