Don’t miss our ON Topic webinar with Tom Nelson, author of “Work Matters,” on May 2 at 1 p.m. CST (2 p.m. EST, 11 a.m. PST). Nelson has made several appearances at seminaries in our network, so many of you are already familiar with his book. In this webinar, however, we will go beyond the introductory level of the book to explore how the Old Testament concept of “integrity,” or “wholeness,” reveals deeper connections between work and the gospel. We will also go deeper into Nelson’s experiences with specific, church-level applications of the theology of work and vocation.
On April 23 we held our second ON Topic webinar with Arthur Brooks, author of “Wealth and Justice” and president of the American Enterprise Institute. In his book, Brooks argues that free enterprise – while it is imperfect and will not solve all of our problems – does a better job of promoting justice than any other economic system. Free enterprise requires the restraint of a moral culture, and yet moral culture presupposes that people have the opportunity and stewardship they need to cultivate virtue. We also explored what the emerging field of “behavioral economics” has discovered about the relationships between moral character and economic behavior. Look for highlights from this webinar in our next newsletter.
These webinars continue our ON Topic series, which provides an exclusive opportunity for ON faculty to interact directly with top national authors. Connect from your desktop, laptop, or tablet using Skype or any standard video interface. When you register, you will receive a free copy of the book (electronic or hard copy). See the story on Bob Lupton in this newsletter for an overview of our first ON Topic webinar!