The Oikonomia Network is pleased to announce its annual luncheon event at the Evangelical Theological Society this year!

W. Bradford Wilcox on Work, Poverty and Marriage

Tuesday, November 17

11:45 AM-1:00 PM

Atlanta Hilton

Grand Salon E 

Lunch provided

We were thrilled at last year’s record turnout of 144 people to hear Darrell Bock and Anthony Bradley discuss economic justice last year. We’re praying to top that this year, and we’re honored to have one of the world’s most distinguished scholars of marriage and family addressing us. So save the date and tell your friends!

Below is a handy list of events at this year’s ETS/EPS that may be of interest. We have included the events we know about; it’s a big program, so if you wish to suggest additions, please contact us.

Tuesday, Nov. 17

Sexuality and the Crisis of Religious Liberty

8:30 AM-10:50 AM

Hilton 303


Greg Forster
(Oikonomia Network)


W. Bradford Wilcox
(University of Virginia)

Angus Menuge
(Concordia University)

Gerry Breshears
(Western Seminary)

Darrell Bock
(Dallas Theological Seminary)

Timothy Shah
(Georgetown University)

Greg Forster
(Oikonomia Network)

W. Bradford Wilcox on Work, Poverty and Marriage

11:45 AM-1:00 PM

Hilton Grand Salon E

Lunch provided

Wednesday, Nov. 18
Theology of Work and Economics Consultation

“Faith, Finance, and the Kingdom of God”

8:30 AM-11:40 AM

Hilton 209

Moderator: Jordan J. Ballor
(Acton Institute)

8:30 AM-9:00 AM

Jeffrey D. Chinery
(Everyday Steward)

Establishing a Biblical View of Money and Possessions as a Foundation for Ministry Service

9:00 AM-9:30 AM

Martin Klauber
(Trinity International University)

Reconciling the Secular and the Sacred: My Experience in Banking and Academia

9:30 AM-10:00 AM

W. Bradford Littlejohn
(Covenant Investment Advisors, LLC)

The Responsibility to be Irresponsible: The Moral Dilemmas of Saving and Investing Today

10:10 AM-11:40 AM


Banquet & ETS Presidential Address


Scott Rae
(Biola University)

Thursday, Nov. 19

2:40 PM—3:20 PM

Hilton 202

Klaus Issler
(Talbot School of Theology)

Incidental or Deliberate? Exploring the Inclusion of ‘Bankers’ and ‘Interest’ in Jesus’ Parables of

the Talents and Minas (Matt 25:27, Luke 19:23) within the context of Financial Intermediaries of

the Greco-Roman Era and the Historical Debate on Usury